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Time after time, particularly in the professional services sector, you will read or hear stories about a firm itself - talking about how good they are. Potential clients are more interested in what your clients have to say about you as opposed to what you have to say about yourself.

Today, people are more informed with the different online options to research a product or service. Client stories are a great marketing tool to demonstrate your customer service, especially within professional services - it’s not always easy to demonstrate why you should be the first choice because of high volume competition and selling a service as opposed to a tangible product.

Whether a client story is told through a blog, testimonial, review or video, a customer success story needs to be a great story, it forms part of your social proof and can be very persuasive.

Why are client stories so important?

  • They provide that feel good factor and people can resonate with them, making you human
  • Client stories give you credibility and longevity as a trusted adviser
  • It’s the best way to market yourself - telling your story through others
  • Demonstrates fantastic customer service, providing competitive advantage
  • You aren’t selling yourself; others are doing it for you

What’s the best way to get client success stories?

The best time to ask a client for a story is right after you have completed a successful piece of work for them or when they have recommended you on platforms such as social media or third-party reviews. It’s important to show clients the benefit of helping you and tackling any concerns – providing them with previous examples.

What other ways can you ask clients for feedback?

  • Facebook Reviews
  • Google Reviews
  • Client surveys
  • Testimonials for website
  • Case studies for website
  • Videos of clients sharing their experience
  • LinkedIn Recommendations 

Clients’ stories don’t have to be a headache. Identify your biggest promoters and ask them first, make the process easy for them and share success stories as widely as possible.

Newcastle agency, Cal Partners, helps professional services firms deliver marketing with added value. If you would like to add client stories as part of your marketing mix and don’t know where to start or don’t have the time, get in touch to see how we can help you. Follow us on social media to keep up date with the latest marketing insights for professional services.

About the author

Rachel Wright

Rachel is Head of Marketing Operations at Cal Partners and is a Chartered Marketer. She began working in marketing in 2007 and has a particular specialism in the professional services sector.

Marketing for Professional Services

Cal Partners

The go-to strategic marketing partner for ambitious professional services